
Word of Appreciation

Updated: 02/24/2011

About Mama Gums' Books

Pregnancy and Oral Health:
The critical connection between your mouth and your baby

Downloadable (Adobe PDF format) e-book only $13.95

83 pages

Awards for Pregnancy & Oral Health


Fifty to seventy-five percent of pregnant women develop an acute infection in their mouths known as pregnancy gingivitis. If left untreated, this infection can lead to bone destruction and eventual tooth loss. It has also been linked to heart attack, strokes, respiratory problems, diabetes, ulcers, oral cancers and other serious systemic illnesses. Not only is that a problem for the mother, but according to the Surgeon General of the United States and the results of research studies throughout the world, this bacterial infection is a threat to her unborn baby as well. Periodontal disease, exacerbated by the excessive production of hormones in preparation for motherhood, can impair the baby she carries and may cause it to be born prematurely.

The March of Dimes says:

  • Every day in the US, more than thirteen hundred babies arrive too soon.

  • That number represents 1 in 8 births that is premature.

  • As of 2001, that figure has increased 27% in the last twenty years.

  • Each year, 100,000 children develop health problems because of their early births.

  • Prematurity is the leading cause of death in the first month.

Your doctor and your dentist are probably not telling you these important facts. Perhaps it is because most of them are still learning about the grave effects of gum infections on you and your baby.

Pregnancy and Oral Health is an invaluable aid to all women, who deserve to have the healthiest pregnancy possible. It is an easy, three step program, which takes just ten minutes a day toward a healthy mouth and a healthy baby. It will teach you how to get in control of your mouth and stay in control long after your baby is born. It will reduce your risks for numerous life-threatening illnesses and enable you to keep your natural teeth for a lifetime.



Preface: Why I Wrote This Book



Chapter One: The “Scope” of the Problem

Chapter Two: Brushing Up

Chapter Three: Bad Breath

Chapter Four: Mama Gums’ Magic Mix

Chapter Five: Flossing

Chapter Six: Irrigators and Solutions

Chapter Seven: Picks and Probes (and In-

Chapter Eight: Pregnancy and Whole Body

Afterword: Here’s To You and Your Baby

Appendix I: Tour of the mouth

Appendix II: Helpful Organizations and


About the Author